Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Getting our feet wet...

We're nowhere near our normal routine, and won't truly be up to speed for a few weeks. I've found in the past that putting some of this random stuff down helps me "process it," for lack of a better term. No huge revelations in this post; sorry to disappoint!

Housing came by yesterday morning to show us how to use all the appliances, how (and what) to recycle, that kind of stuff.

Our oven is tiny. We knew about that coming in (since Becca had done a temp assignment over here), but I think the biggest thing we'll be able to get into it will be a quarter sheet pan. Our 11x14 casserole dishes might barely fit, won't know until they arrive though.

We have two refrigerators. Right next to each other. Haven't figured out why, not gonna complain. We have a German refrigerator that's a little bit smaller than a "standard" refrigerator. It's got panels on the front that look like the cabinets - if you didn't know it was there, you'd think it was just a big cabinet. Next to it is a "standard" American refrigerator - it sticks out about 8 inches further than the German one, and is a little bit taller as well. We're still working on a system to know what goes in which fridge - for now, we don't have enough stuff that it's an issue.

Our washer and dryer are standard European ones, front loading, stacked one on top of the other. The dryer has a bin that fills with the water it removes from the clothes, and must be manually emptied occasionally. Don't know how often... I guess we'll all just have to be a bit surprised.

We don't have central A/C. I don't know how much of an issue this will be in the heat of the summer, but it's been mostly bearable thus far. Periods of heat... but right now (for instance), it's nice and cool. We have a couple of air conditioners that we can put into individual rooms as needed, but then you have to set the vent up, and that can be a bit challenging when you take the windows into account. The windows are a bit odd... may have to post pictures, as a description I was trying to write turned into a novel, and nobody wants to read that!

The garage. You know in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog (or any other catalog filled with random crap that you can't imagine that anyone needs) you'll sometimes see a double-decker machine that only takes up the space of one car, but holds two cars in a stack in a single garage? There are three of those in our garage side by side. Evidently, we're assigned one of the floors in one of the machines, but our car won't fit - it's a little too tall. So, when our car gets here, we'll have to park it on the street. The previous tenant had the same issue - she drove a jeep that was just a little too big. She had an arrangement with one of the neighbors - since our predecessor wasn't using the garage, the neighbor could use it. Well, we bumped into that neighbor outside this evening, and after introducing herself, she quickly steered the conversation over to whether we have a car. We assured her that we knew all about the arrangement, and that our car wouldn't fit either - she would be more than welcome to continue using that spot. Not hurting our feelings, and spreading goodwill around the building!

We had appointments down at Becca's office this morning (ID's and access, stuff like that), so we rode down there with one of her coworkers who would be able to walk us around to where we needed to go. Afterwards, Cori and I left, planning on running to Aldi and then catching a bus home. We walked out, weren't able to find what we wanted at Aldi, and went to a store across the street. We poked around in there for a little while, then came out to catch the bus. We rode the bus all the way to the stop at the end of our street, and started walking up to the light to cross over. On the way up there, we ran into Becca. She and her coworker had done all that they could for the day, so she'd walked out front to catch the bus, and gotten on at the next stop after we did. She got off at the stop at the top of the hill, while we had waited one more, to get closer to home. A little amusing, that the three of us were on different ends of the same bus, and it didn't even occur to us that the others might be on there.

Like I said - nothing big happened today. Just day to day stuff, but we're not down to a real schedule yet.

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