Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The missing post!

Somehow, in that flurry of updates, I missed one. I was pretty proud of my writing in this one too... I don't know how it happened, but now everything's gonna be all out of order. Sorry. Before our Christmas trip (for Thanksgiving, specifically), some friends of Becca's came to visit. Here's the post I wrote about their visit - it's a good one, you should click through and read it!

We returned from the states and got back to business as usual - work, school, life... Over Thanksgiving, one of Becca's oldest friends came to visit - not oldest, age wise, but they've been friends for a really long time... boy, that sentence didn't turn out really well, I'm just going to stop with the explanation. Anyway, Nancy and her roommate Liz came to visit.

We did a lot of the touristy stuff with them here in Rome; one day, Becca took off work and took them up to Orvieto. She didn't bring me back a porchetta sandwich, either. They wanted to see Florence, so I went up there with them on a day trip on the train. We saw all the stuff they had wanted to see (David, the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio), and we had lunch at Becca's favorite restaurant. We even brought her back some Drunken Spaghetti in a tupperware container (not that I'm still bitter about the porchetta sandwich, or anything). While they were in Rome, they went to a Papal Audience at the Vatican - they said it was quite boisterous, almost like a party atmosphere.

I'm not Catholic, so you'll have to forgive my misuse of terminology here, but someone from Mexico (I think) had reached a certain stage on his (or possibly her) way to being a saint; beautification, canonization, something like that. They said that the "auditorium" (that's a technical term) where the "shindig" (another technical term) was held had large groups of people from Mexico, singing celebratory songs, doing the wave, throwing beach balls around (like at a Phish concert). Some of that last part may be made up, but I'm not telling you which part, because I wasn't there, I don't remember what they told me about it, and it amuses me to think of beach balls flying around before a papal audience.

Next chronologically should be Christmas break, but please forgive me for screwing up the order!

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