Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ms. Garmin needs a name

Today was my first day in Rome without having to wake up to an alarm clock. I am embarrassed to say I slept until NOON! I think I really needed to catch up on the sleep I didn’t have earlier in the week. I woke up feeling rested and was ready to be a tourist.

Before leaving home, Rick and I search high and low for the perfect GPS unit. One that had a pedestrian mode and had Europe preloaded. It turns out that they were not as easy to find as one might expect, fortunately we found Ms. Garmin at Frys, they have everything.

I went out exploring with a too small to read map and Ms. Garmin. Ms. Garmin took forever to find the satellite. I turned her on and she was searching, I carried her in my hand for about 30 minutes and she was still searching. Finally I just put her in my bag and after I ate a panino and had a “Coke Light” I remembered her. I had already found the Trevi Fountain by myself (with the posted signs around town). I checked her again and she had finally realized I wasn’t in Kansas anymore (well Round Rock). I decided to try to program a destination and stumbled my way through the menus and found the Spanish Steps in the landmark section.

She was finally useful but she wanted me to back track from the direction I had already been and I wanted to go a block over and backtrack on that street to be able to see more. ‘Ms. Garmin’ didn’t appreciate my sense of adventure. I finally met up with where she wanted me to go and lo and behold I was walking by my hotel. I thought that must be the way of the Garmin Gods to tell me to get off my feet for a few minutes and enjoy some AC. I took the Garmin Gods’ advice and am relaxing for a few minutes in the room before continuing on to the Spanish Steps to have my first gelato.

I know people name their Garmins. Help us think of a name for ours, Ms. Garmin just won't do.


  1. Francesca, Donatella, or Valentina (Val)

  2. I vote for either The Wizard (since you're already in Oz) or Romeo (as in...Where fore art thou?). :)
